
We offer many kinds of therapy right on site to help you get back on your feet. Some of them right from the comfort of your own room.

Physical Therapy

therapy-612-1.jpgPhysical therapy will help you correct any problems you have with balance and help improve your strength. Our therapy team is also trained in wound care, cardiopulmonary and high tech modalities. They will provide instruction on techniques for ambulation, transferring and bed mobility.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy will help you regain the skills important for independent functioning, health and well being, such as dressing, grooming and eating. An ADL unit and complete kitchen are available for personal training in activities of daily living such as cooking.

Speech Therapy

basketball.jpgWhen appropriate, a speech therapist will work with you to restore expressing and receptive language. Our licensed Speech Pathologist generally evaluates speech, language, cognition, fluency and voice. Therapists also work closely with staff to determine if patients are having difficulties swallowing or identify improvements that would allow the patient to upgrade their diet.